Idea to viral videos in 2 minutes.
From script to post, ai generate our future videos. No editing, no camera, no experience needed.
Videos created with Vidia
happy users generates
Tired of editing time?
Create video without Vidia
- Manually edit videos
- 20min footage search
- 30min video editing
- Or pay up to €25 for 1 minute video
- No views because not optimized for algorithm
Create video with Vidia
- Let an expert AI edit your video
- 25sec of generation
- 1min for video render
- Automatically finds clips
- Pay 1.3€ for 1 minute video
- Create more videos and get more views
How it works ?
Step 1
Start with text or audio
Start the generation of your videos from different sources
- Paste our own script
- Generate script with AI
- Select humanoid voice
- Drop your own audio file
Step 2
Lets our IA generate
The AI will generate your video according to your needs, and your input parameters; a video is generally created in less than a minute.
- Select media corresponding to the video
- Add automatic subtitles
- Create dynamic edit
Step 3
Edit your video
You can edit your video if you think some of the footage has been incorrectly chosen.
- Edit text
- Get videos from stock library
- Get images from web search
- Import your own files (image/videos)
All you need to create dynamic videosand get easy views
Automatic B-roll
Footage matching the sentences is automatically and dynamically added: there is a new clip every 2 to 4 seconds, so the viewer is never bored.
Generate script with AI
Don't bother writing your own scripts, just let our AI suggest a script based on your prompt.
Create videos in 29 languages and counting.
Automatic Subtitles
Automatic and animated subtitles are added, essential for keeping the viewer's attention. Generated transcriptions are highly accurate and editable.
Copy videos
Copy TikTok and Instagram videos from their links. In one click, the AI will retrieve their script, translate it, and create an original video.
Quick search
Need additional media? Search directly on Vidia's editor, in our stock library or on the internet, using pre-written searches, without any need for downloads.
Realistic voice
Access a list of high-quality, human like, AI-generated voiceovers.
Save time
Save money
Get Vidia
Free trial
- 1.5 minutes
- Watermark
- Stock media
- Multiple languages
- Auto Captions
- 15 minutes / Month
- No watermark
- 1min30 max
- 1080p export
- 59 voices
A confirmation page will open.
- 60 minutes / Month
- Everything in Standard
- Unlimited duration
- 50 premium voices
- 4K export (Soon)
A confirmation page will open.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Our application specializes in generating social media videos tailored for platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Simply input an audio clip, a script or a prompt, and our AI will create a video for you. You'll then have the option to edit the video, modify text, style, and the videos used to ensure it perfectly matches your vision.
Yes, refunds are possible within 7 days of purchase, based on the unused portion of your service. If you've purchased minutes for video generation and haven't used them all, we'll refund the minutes that remain unused. Please reach out by email for assistance.
- Follow these steps to create your video: 1. Input an audio clip or just your script or a prompt. 2. Our AI creates your video based on the provided inputs. 3. Edit the generated video to your liking - modify the text, style, or the videos used. 4. Once you're happy with the edits, your video is ready to be shared on your favorite social media platforms.
- Absolutely. We prioritize your privacy and the security of your data. All uploads and personal information are encrypted and stored securely. We do not share your data with third parties without your explicit consent.
- Our platform is designed for social media content creators, enabling the production of videos perfectly suited for TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Vidia is the best solution for creating faceless content automatically.
- Yes, Vidia produces 100% original videos, making them monetizable through the revenue options offered by platforms like TikTok and YouTube.
- We're here to assist you! If you have any further questions or need support, don't hesitate to contact us by email or on the Discord. Our team is committed to providing you with the help you need to make the most out of our service.